Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Too much sun?

Walking back to my truck from eating lunch, I saw a girl with an open umbrella. I was abit befuddled. There were no clouds in the sky, but the sun was beating down. With high pressure in control, It is warming up. Expect temperatures in the mid 80's by the end of the week. Enjoy all this sunshine while you can because rain is on the way for the weekend.

An upper level low in the tropics may provide some rainfall over the weekend. The jury is still out on how much rain we may receive. I'll be updating as we get closer to the weekend.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

More rain

Here are some of the rainfall totals since midnight: Searcy-.96in. ...Newport-1.04in.
These storms that are occurring night after night are keeping us on track for the wettest May on record. Flood warnings remain in effect for White County for moderate flooding at Augusta and minor flooding at Georgetown. More rain is in the forecast until Sunday. After this we will have several days of drier weather to give the ground a chance to dry up abit.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Twittering on severe weather

I have set up a Twitter site, espicially for severe weather. When warnings go out or crazy weather is happening here in W.C. it will show up on Twitter. If you choose to follow it is: 16SVWX. It is up just in time for severe weather moving out of Oklahoma. I'll be Twittering until it's through here!

Wet May with more on the way!

It certainly has been a wet May. In just the first 13 days we've had well over 10 inches of rain. For the month the normal is 5.33in. and the record is just under 16 inches. if the rains keep coming we on pace to have the wettest May on record. Rain continues in the forecast for tonight. This rain will be falling onto already saturated ground, making flash flooding a concern. White County is already under flood warnings for the White River at Georgetown and Augusta. As always, I'll continue to keep my eye on the situation!